1 They're given authority with regard to public conveniences (7)
5 Leave car with lead-free source of ignition (4)
7 Some travel on donkey to capital city (6)
8 You might come across this game (6)
9 Secret agent conceals electronic component that's hot (5)
10 Levels the odds (5)
11 Where one might be taught to use an agricultural tool (6)
13 Runner from East Ham without a bust (6)
15 Return of reject social outcast (5)
17 Gossip associated with oddly posh pants (5)
18 Make pelmet for place of worship (6)
19 Hairstyle of legal profession not gross (6)
21 Statue of East End champions (4)
22 Those people leading everyone to the way to the Palace (3,4)
1 No end to uprising here in South America (3)
2 Perversely dig ride becoming even more dizzy (7)
3 Woman in New York is one having kids? (5)
4 Underlying theme of message from naval vessel (7)
5 Reportedly sticks a nose into cup? (5)
6 Notices sister changed numberplate first (9)
9 Just half a pint maybe is not significant (5,4)
12 Hottest gun in old frontier (7)
14 Chicago gangster leaves one country for another (7)
16 Leaders of party in Perth enjoy sound of highland instrument (5)
17 Bagel shaped architectural feature (5)
20 Fish raised in Middle England (3)
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