1 Unfortunate demise nearly begins for supporting players (7)
5 Man from Norwich - a poet (4)
9 Cried out for a drink (5)
10 Unspecified person always follows doctor (7)
11 Show luggage - in these? (7,5)
12 Miraculously reveals soldier wrapped in coats (6)
13 Move in favour of famous footballer cut short (6)
16 Pole not skating in front of initially rude adjutant (5,7)
19 Active and heavily attended (2,5)
20 Make changes - at noon? (5)
21 Time for an American to take a trip? (4)
22 Extremely neat African dictator takes part in trial (7)
1 Get rid of dry white wine (4)
2 Avoiding acting to accommodate head of BBC? (7)
3 Barmy army choose to cross old movie star (4,8)
4 Cardinal not used to island (6)
6 In Perth I've sustained a nasty rash (5)
7 Inspection of South American country's metal (7)
8 Can recondite construction be closely forced together? (12)
12 Dog's mother's spat (7)
14 Creeped out to arrive earlier (7)
15 Have a bearing on a very loud medical procedure (6)
17 Allowable? Not at first - that's shocking (5)
18 Upgrade mixed diet (4)
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