7 Beware of the pothole! (4)
8 Noticed incisor maybe becoming serrated (8)
9 Duck to avoid Conservative religious friend (6)
10 Mixed saunas come from here in the Bahamas (6)
11 Bewilderment of some displaced Azerbaijanis (4)
12 Stupidly names Sid as churchwarden's assistant (8)
15 Hacks gathered here from every direction to back Heath (8)
17 Recycle kids slide (4)
18 Wears down queen with poetry (6)
21 Psychedelic trance from heavenly drink (6)
22 Underwear thieves reported! (8)
23 English nobleman's short sword (4)
1 Bill you picked up over time for order? (8)
2 Good grief! The French interrupt a speaker rudely (6)
3 Oil company entertains no end of journalists with strong drink (8)
4 Old and not so old rising war poet (4)
5 Number One regularly seems to produce loud unpleasant sounds (6)
6 Hotspot seen in Vietnam (4)
13 Drop off attractive girl possessing short dress (8)
14 Brought to life by Walt? (8)
16 Escort embraces French nobleman in bed (6)
17 Crete's awful hidden knowledge (6)
19 Romeo originally a French character from the past (4)
20 Uprising of feeble Tories creates turmoil (4)
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