1 He may make a packet? (10)
8 Former chief friar (5)
9 Not just after a bit of frivolity at amusement park (7)
10 Boringly renovated outside lavatory after emptying (9)
12 Slide downhill from short jump (3)
13 Bring up salary increase (5)
15 Get up and go over twice the speed (5)
17 Transport replacement on the way back (3)
18 Party before match? (4,5)
20 Steps down as singers are misbehaving (7)
21 Character in Twelfth Night can take a bow? (5)
22 She might fall for an actor (10)
1 City street regrets pub being rebuilt (2,10)
2 Epic poem I laid out (5)
3 Turned up unprepared for a series of battles (3)
4 At home put together brew (6)
5 Money changed by hotel over working holiday (9)
6 Managed to reduce some money paid under duress (6)
7 French crew practise moving cargo on the tracks, perhaps? (7,5)
11 Mistake in supervision (9)
14 In pain, Sister to apply pressure (6)
16 Boy goes under barrier to get fruit (6)
19 Dark place to go in the outskirts of Gotham (5)
21 Swear there is nothing in German car (3)
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