1 Two guys meet up to find wild dog (6)
4 Lady doctor has a heart of gold (4)
8 50 plus 50 - or 500 for letter (8)
9 Eyesore from the middle of last year (4)
11 Busy university students start to get transport (3)
12 Comprehensive total - I opt for amendment (3,2,4)
13 Let's eat grapes unless Mum eventually begins to provide vegetable (6)
15 See heartless Tommy covered in pimples (6)
18 Judo grading that can't be built on (5,4)
19 Lubricate painters medium (3)
20 Deep fish (4)
21 After dark, starts to remove one's hat (8)
22 Partly amend some tailpieces (4)
23 Arrived before artist could be shot - with this? (6)
1 Be addicted to Inigo? (5)
2 Remember to phone the babysitter (4,2,4)
3 Curt - put bar in order (6)
5 Pull in a dry bunch of motorists for hot drink we're told (7)
6 We'd arranged for Lionel to lose heart and be a resident (5)
7 Bog all arranged - it's all over the world (6)
10 Company representative and I table amendment that's agreeable to both sides (10)
14 Took a shot at visitor we hear (7)
16 Being cowardly, cry out in pain (6)
17 Iron Lady's hat (6)
18 Old actor to talk rapidly, but half-heartedly (5)
19 Musical works finally go for each article (5)
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