1 Set of ringers keep going we hear (8)
5 Finally disturb the tall thoughtful ringer (4)
9 Notes on sheet made from Greek letter thus (5)
10 Don't start pulling back - pulling down is needed for this (7)
11 Belltower found in holiday base by a river (9)
12 Some expert timekeepers originally adjusted clocks (3)
13 How to make a bell... or a spell? (4,2)
15 Shake like a leaf losing a thousand on this bet (6)
18 Uncle's haircut? (3)
20 Terribly sad ringer with an odd number of bells (9)
23 Reflect on bible story poetry (7)
24 Contract net gains? (5)
25 Charge for returning some Sellotape (4)
26 Change of American accommodation (8)
1 Funny business has Frenchman in charge (5)
2 Starts again on synopses (7)
3 Some tightly cramping fabric (5)
4 Billy and his partner's affectionate name for their offspring (3,3)
6 The Doors sex it up (5)
7 He gets left on a part of the golf course (7)
8 Regularly remarry to support objective to become loved (6)
13 Cat and bear performing in nightclub entertainment (7)
14 Ada Lovelace, the original young socialite? (2,4)
16 Show annoyance when city abandons Old English (7)
17 Good to have a cuppa with posh cake (6)
19 Note missing right on left edge (5)
21 Colour scheme of some airside corridors (5)
22 Those strange cultural attitudes (5)
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