1. Result of coming up too rapidly
6. Bad thing to bring one's family
11. Put one over on
14. Dickens character called a "Heep of infamy" by Mr. Micawber
15. Poet Wystan Hugh ___
16. Eggs on toast, perhaps
17. "Birds flying high, you know how I feel,..." jazz, song.
19. Where the Boys ___
20. TV overseer (Abbr.)
21. January 1 drink
22. Campus wear.
24. Firmed up
27. Wheel of Fortune choice
28. Kind of cloud.
33. Floral ornament
36. Olympian deity
37. Transvaal, Natal, et al.: Abbr.
38. Like a Southwestern desert
39. Fuss over oneself
41. "... ___ of thieves" (Matthew 21:13)
42. Metaphor for a lack of agency
43. "Bye-bye," in Bologna
44. Shopgirl
45. Cheerful expression
49. Habitable hole for wildlife
50. Add to something done previously
54. Light-intensity unit
58. Wish one could undo
59. Ypsilanti college whose acronym is also a bird
60. Palette selection
61. Teensy-weensy piece of beef?
64. 'FWIW' part
65. Natural cavities, anatomically speaking
66. British weight
67. Romaine lettuce, alternately
68. One side in a pick-up game
69. For the Earth, it is called a perigee or apogee
1. Enthusiasts
2. How we stand
3. My daughter, to my brother
4. Team playing its home games at "JerryWorld", for short
5. Boisterous bash
6. Clay box
7. Reunion greeting
8. Fussy states
9. Siamese statement
10. Inspires affection
11. Warm friendly feeling toward a benefactor.
12. Happy golden days of ___
13. French father
18. Black, to Youssou N'Dour
23. Collectibles suffix
25. Vitamin M, for one
26. Nod
29. Writer Carolyn
30. Sounds as if big cask weighs 2,000 lbs.
31. Farmington River reservoir
32. Registered, with "in"
33. Vesicles
34. Social affair
35. Inflexible property
39. Map app marker
40. Yellow journalism purveyor
41. Tangent introducer
43. Places for premieres
44. Sugar-Plum Fairy signal
46. What any first-place finisher did
47. Body parts with arches
48. 1985 movie mystery based on a board game
51. Supposes, old style
52. Resident of Muscat
53. What 007 is assigned to retrieve in "Thunderball"
54. Very smart
55. Modern prefix with complete or correct
56. Hero of the "Legend of Zelda" series
57. Climactic intro?
62. It may be found in an Ancient Art department
63. ___ of the stretch
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