The Beatles, Rubber Soul
by C Squared

Most clues refer to "Rubber Soul," while others indicate other Beatles songs, with a few non-Beatles related answers as well. When puzzle is completed, the circled letters can be rearranged to find the name of an album that "answered" "Rubber Soul."


  •  1  "You refuse to even___"

  •  5  "One day you'll____see I've gone" (2 wds)

  • 10 Ringo taps a box of these on "I'm Looking Through You"

  • 11 Photographer of Rubber Soul cover, Bob ___

  • 12 Dead friend referred to in "In My Life," most likely

  • 15 One of what he's working for in "Drive My Car"

  • 16 "I ____I knew you, what did I know"

  • 17 He was having problems in "Cry Baby Cry"

  • 18 "Terrible" years

  • 19 Jojo's home state

  • 20 Rubber Soul's title came from phrase "plastic soul" used to describe this singer's style

  • 22 Song originally recorded for "Help," then revived for "Rubber Soul"

  • 25 What George is doing on sitar in "Norwegian Wood"

  • 27 "I've got every ____on earth to be mad"

  • 28 You'll be older and this too!

  • 31 "Help" was filmed on several of these in the Bahamas

  • 32 Last word of only Harrison composition ever played on tour.

  • 33 Consumes all (2 wds)

  • 34 Many of these have been written analyzing the Beatles

  • Down

  •  2  Where Paul is on Yesterday and Today cover (2 wds)

  •  3  John wore a New York City one without sleeves

  •  4  Where Mean Mr. Mustard keeps money

  •  5  Last word in title of John's least favorite Beatles song

  •  6  Not "Scrambled Eggs," but similar

  •  7  "It's been a long ___ I'm coming back home." (2 wds)

  •  8  Delighted.

  •  9  Gathers so it can come together

  • 13 You hope taxi gets you _____ time (2 wds)

  • 14 On "Think For Yourself" Paul put one of these on his bass

  • 15 Calling

  • 20 He plays harmonium on "The Word"

  • 21 "Rubber Soul" title font designer ____Front

  • 23 "Is there___going to listen to my story"

  • 24 "A crowd of people ____ away"

  • 25 The piano in "In My Life" ____like a harpsichord.

  • 26 Mystery writer Martha

  • 29 "The sun___, the sky is blue" (2 wds)

  • 30 "A cottage on the ___ of Wight"