1. * Humiliation (with 62-Across, set list song #8) "___off the ___"
6. Type of dance for Axl
11. Coolers, for short
14. A unique individual
15. A broad bean
16. "The Raven" author
17. Battle in tight quarters
19. Stadium cheer
20. * Van Gogh subject (set list song #10) "Perfect ___"
21. Epic Heston role
23. German one
24. Chrissie Hynde & Aimee Zoe
25. Minnelli in "Cabaret"
28. * Run-of-the-mill (set list song #6) "___, Illinois"
30. First victim
31. Spiders' sensors, e.g.
32. Jr. and sr.
35. Rank above maj.
36. * Brand pitched by a pitcher (set list song #9) "Cohorama ___"
38. Luau fare
39. Kenan's partner
40. With great dignity
41. Emperor
42. Hits the bottle
44. Willow trees
46. * It's in the eye of the beholder (set list song #2) "Plain ___"
48. Equivalent of a spit-take, abbr.
49. Up to now
50. * Start of Sally Field's Oscar speech (set list song #5) "___ So Much More (Than You Think You Do)"
55. "Ruh-___!" (Scooby-Doo line)
56. British prep school
58. Braves' div.
59. * "Night Moves" rocker (set list song #11) "Bob ___"
60. Pomme de ___
61. * Blue (set list song #4) "___ Friend"
62. * Dairy Queen treat (set list song #8, with 1-Across)
63. Radiator noise