1 Asimov wrote this Trilogy
5 Our sun is one
7 Captain Kirk series
8 Music's "a one, and ..."
10 Han Solo's Millennium starship cruiser
13 Drive that gets us--quickly--from here to there
14 United States of Am-----.
15 Hawaiian garland or wreath
16 Frank Herbert wrote this saga
17 Carl Sagan let our minds wander here
19 "Love and Hugs" acronym
20 A spectacle or display of something; a movie
22 Originally or formerly called
23 Either a curandera or medicine man
26 Three, to Caesar
27 Bradbury wrote these Chronicles
28 The central or most important part of something
29 Starship that boldly went where no man had gone before
30 Occupado (English, 2 wds)