1 Indian city hiding Martha Graham? On the contrary! (4)
7 Second time for religious group (4)
9 Bishop controls Scottish town and German city (9)
10 Language adopted by Roman Church (6)
11 Race into evolution – an alternative theory? (8)
12 Vulgar youth, not very subtle, discards model vestment (8)
14 Healing not good, struggling to draw breath (6)
15 Old queen’s maybe bitter times with artist (9)
21 Vigorous trill in aria (6)
23 Gangsta band on stage covers Leaves (8)
25 Rat destroyed red trees (8)
26 Remember about ring (6)
27 Plant container broken? Fool! Twerp! (9)
28 Extra sifting could reveal this – a likely story! (2,2)
29 Els losing one for an eagle (4)
2 Change a swirled mixture of chocolate and cream (7)
3 Co-ordinate muscles when thus set up (8)
4 Returning coach skirting Polish part of town (6)
5 Afterthought in letter by Young Conservative leads to Henry’s effusive spirit (6)
6 Sack girl in ballet (8)
7 Outline small boat (6)
8 Natural consequence – abandoning railway, gets a car (7)
13 Inflexible law? (3)
16 Leo got Ed’s damaged chisel, say (4,4)
17 Arrest revolutionary outlaw (3)
18 Sailor, policeman and girl shirk responsibility? (8)
19 Certifies whereabouts of Barmy Army? (7)
20 Foul clue Ann solved (7)
22 Won, we hear, away? It won’t happen again! (3-3)
23 Silver clarinet, perhaps, is OK (6)
24 Sudden end of investment after rising graduate starts to reveal unethical practices (6)
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