Note: three entries are abbreviations
1 Survive when surrounded by forwards of 1d/9 (4)
3 Primarily, training hard increases runner's determination to get a podium position (5)
6 33 - sounds painful running locally! (4)
11 National appeal to arrest a revolutionary (7)
12 Science backs Australian grandchild keeping a diary (7)
13 Record company once released a single from an Indy setter (3)
14 Where stout's the favoured tipple, military engineers return supermarket's beer unopened (7,4)
15 Taxi company avoids English business tax (3)
17 Newspaper setter's involved in determined comeback (5)
18 Centre of arena made elaborate - as 31/2 was to become 35/28d/2 (7)
21 Woman's final evidence leads to verdict (3)
22 This diminutive chap might be spotted at the dessert counter (7)
25 A bit of Valium taken during therapy for locals of a theatrical bent? (5)
27 US drivers' club gets top credit rating (3)
28 Factory representative seen round back of terrace house (11)
30 By way of 6a (3)
31 Following repeal of legislation by 35, hospital departments procure mobility aids (7)
32 Rain generated by witchcraft in African city (7)
33 About to restrict one's increase in pay (4)
34 Opposing sides overcome by local team (5)
35 Buried in car park - inglorious location for one such as 22 the 3, the 1a/28a (4)
1 Square dance coming up - content most agreeable, but not new (9)
2 A tidy sum, no end of money, spent for 34 ground perhaps (7)
4 Browbeaten husband kissed by nurse (9)
5 Joint paper originally researched in Zurich by the French (5)
7 Work with a large amount of money to find a new world omnivore (7)
8 Frost reciting his poem? (5)
9 Binder contains a bit of gen on first of several formidable competitors (6)
10 Local mile record upheld by study (6)
16 Shortly perhaps, the queen is to live over the Northern Hotel? (4)
18 Ringing endorsement initially gets offspring into timeless ecstatic state (9)
19 Clear blue water (4)
20 Compering a music programme, introducing Duane Eddy, Elton John and Abba and the start of a song by the Goons (9)
23 1d leader participating in intricate search for the next 35 (7)
24 Song provoking a powerful response from a social worker on the edge (6)
25 Relative of 9 possibly found in a willow tree (6)
26 Pasta recipe needs a touch of vinegar in garlic mayonnaise (7)
28 Authority's a problem with society being overrun by women? (5)
29 Delight when storm comes to nothing (5)
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