1 Former tennis player always lost, many still believe in him (6)
2 Lord Mandelson, finally describes initiation of Brexit: "unknown future for Labour?" (6)
3 John Milton's pen (4)
4 Familiar with American tax officer nailing journalist (4,2)
5 Jeremy's escapades will impress Tory (8)
6 CIA sadly about to arrest inventor for having WMD? (5,5)
7 Expensive time of year but not on to make waves (4,4)
8 Defending World Cup winner to rabbit on about both sides (8)
14 Range of vehicle types, including one without gas (10)
16 Crashing a bicycle, then keeping away from it (8)
17 All current terms changed, millions deported as unwanted characters (8)
18 Drink and thereafter go as being told (8)
22 One of the common people has private storage space initially doubled (6)
23 Hotel manager accomodates 150 with ease, they say (6)
24 Trump almost protects terrorists? That's a cliche (6)
27 Dangerous gas no problem for adventurous Yorkshire lad (4)