7 Many a Russian goes to bed (5)
8 Jumps on the bed - Swiss game (9)
10 Fish bed down with judge in shapeless dress (8)
11 Leather compound with hydrogen embedded (6)
12 Metal stocks make brides sore - never behave badly out of bed (4,8)
15/16 Game hour; big empty bed still messed up (7,7)
19 Go on about Washington putting pressure on four, oddly, for wholesome entertainment (4,5,3)
22/1 40 of them in bed after central Dudley taken over by neat game (11)
24 Boor from Harlow knocked about in bed - not the last! (8)
25 Got together in a muddle, backing on to a student in bed (9)
26 Hero, very partial to red game (5)
1 See 22 Across
2 Bend isn't commonly a fearsome sight (8)
3 Against King and Queen's game (7)
4 Look after large capital (4)
5 Discomfort partly caused by placebo the runner took (6)
6 Killed mug for lolly (4,5)
9 Roundabout man has flower (8)
13 Coffin? (8)
14 Coolest grand foundation struggles within (9)
17 Crazy uncle on horse starting meal (8)
18 Game played with relocated relics? (7)
20 American car Mike drove next to 9 (6)
21 Persuasion made lady leave basket down (5)
23 Yes, drug thrown over board instead of hooligans (4)
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