7 Absolute perfection of a crushed red pepper oil (5-3,5)
8 Ace Casanova acquires energy with a herbal remedy (4,4)
9 Agitated in the morning? No problem! (4)
10 A good alternative to arcade: outside Greek markets (6)
12 At the highest point of Croat optimism (4)
14 Article gets negative after a short while (4)
15 An artist absorbed in her work depicting a summit in Turkey (6)
18 Any top tune played backwards yields another song (4)
20 Airmail letter, aviator's cap or gear sent over by Bond's boss (8)
21 All and everything contained in letters to the Corinthians? (5,3,5)
1 Ask for a lot of fruit with your starter (5)
2 A cause of irritation: it's left in general disarray (8)
3 Arise and call for a new direction (6)
4 Add oxygen that's consumed over time (6)
5 Amphitheatre has no dropping off zone (4)
6 Also unexpectedly took back mineral spray (7)
11 Apiary is oddly cool (3)
12 Anchor's free, by the sound of it, to play in competition elsewhere (4,4)
13 Anarchic girl in any confinement presents with outrage (7)
15 Audiovisual connection to a sailor's alter ego (6)
16 Announcer's bellowed like a donkey after a rub down (6)
17 All alternative restaurants garnish hot starters, alas! (5)
19 Arabic extremists added to the man's pain (4)
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