1 Current work is alongside posh gangster (6)
4 Present in quantity of bodily fluid (6)
9 Mum stirred in French cheese or one from the Heart of England (7)
10 Organs are not working for a beginner (5)
11 Imbecile is second to re-open nominations (5)
12 Good God! It tops getting into fringe gear (7)
13 Try red jam on shredded cat and mouse (3,3,5)
18 Send back credit transfer for French friend's folding business (7)
20 Mould the ultimate class (5)
22 Excuse the first person to be put on bail wrongly (5)
23 Delivery from on high or rapid transport (7)
24 See differently after revolutionary comes to Cheshire? (6)
25 Block unusually misty lakeside (6)
1 A large booty ultimately contains books (6)
2 More genuine to start with regret, right? (5)
3 Gas projectiles in a development (7)
5 No good for leading projection (5)
6 More clustered nuts fit true (7)
7 Don't start blaming whips for smear (6)
8 Naval officer's chaotic ram raid has substantial outside involvement (4,7)
14 Vent alternative on condition that I join the church (7)
15 Divorcee crept around a bit (7)
16 Tiles are fixed up in fascia somehow (6)
17 Building for worshipping part of the skull (6)
19 Another name for a wind sail (5)
21 Strange way to go ahead and play (5)
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