5 Heartless preacher in church hamlet ,perhaps (6)
6 Nipper moves right to the end of 5 across (6)
9 Old bird that goes to pot (6)
10 AA get round police diversion causing problem on ahead (8)
11 Back up about a foot maybe (4)
12 Fossil vermin extremities bearing rich veins (6,4)
13 They show elemental changes in the swamp are unusual (7,4)
17 Method of paying principal wag (6-4)
20 Endlessly pinches to get 'colour' (4)
22 Ridicule first inept recording edison made (8)
23 4 if one is eaten by ogre! (6)
24 Payment expected but it's tame (6)
25 Small whale, blue and silver tips (6)
1 Conversation about old age is unwelcome to begin with (8)
2 Old Greek involved in aeronautics ( but not at one) (6)
3 Poor Lou Milne, always getting stood on (8)
4 Having removed depilatory aid, becomes a riot (6)
5 Start poking round old women's lingerie in a stealthy way (5)
7 Free riggings alternatively and dominates (6)
8 Boy says out loud, girl is an artist (4,7)
14 Part of backwater, minus depot (8)
15 Run out ,safe and away (5,3)
16 Skater waltzes clients (6)
18 The hat girl (6)
19 Reindeer has odd, red moniker (6)
21 I'm a bit of a square, naturally! (5)
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